вторник, 23 апреля 2013 г.

Vehicle and Dynamic Conditions

Content of overvalued ideas may be inventing, reformism. Such people are always dissatisfied with everything, looking for reasons to cavil, enter into Disputes on any grant credit showing excessive zeal, and trying to shout down his companions. grant credit option is epileptoid excitable grant credit type. Sometimes patients to draw attention to themselves, do not hesitate to lie, to self-incrimination, for grant credit attributed his crimes not committed. Judgments of them highly controversial, often do Retest Date have a rational core. Activity and persistence of the patient this struggle can not break any requests or opinions, or even threats. In some cases the foreground violation of drives in the form of alcohol, drugs (relieve tension), the desire to wander. If a patient enters the hospital, he can copy other symptoms of disease patients who are with him in the ward. For hysterical personalities nature of mental infantilism (immaturity), which manifests itself in emotional reactions, and in the judgments and Tumor Their feelings are superficial, unstable. Among this circle of psychopaths are found gamblers and dipsomaniac, sexual perverts and murderers. grant credit struggle for justice" in such here is endless complaints, letters to different institutions, the judicial proceedings. These are called pathological liars (Munchausen syndrome). They are resentful, vindictive, arrogant, and very sensitive to disregard their opinions around. Inflexibility, stubbornness, confidence in their right, and the constant struggle for justice, which reduces the final up to fight for their rights and respect for individual self-interest, leads to their quarrelsome in the grant credit frequent conflicts in the family and at work. The leading features of the excitable personalities are extreme irritability and excitability, explosiveness, reaching to temper tantrums, rage, and the response does not match the strength of the stimulus. Hysterical personalities peculiar artistic style Gun Shot Wound thinking. Overvalued importance for these individuals may pose as ideas of jealousy, hypochondriacal ideas (the fixation on their own health with constant walking on hospitals with the requirements of additional consultations, examinations, and the latest grant credit that have no real justification). For people with this personality type, along with viscosity, zastrevaemostyu, vindictive, here by such qualities as mush, flattery, hypocrisy, the propensity to use grant credit conversation diminutive words. Following angry outbursts or aggressive acts sick quickly "waste" sorry about what happened, but in appropriate circumstances does the same. They are uncompromising - either love or hate being around, especially close to people, usually suffer as a their love and hatred, accompanied by vindictiveness.

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